Photo by unknown cc |
I just watched a 'YOUTUBE VIDEO' on the CIA and the Third World Countries....Stating that there's 'A Third World War' going on out there...AND, most the people in the U.S.A. are not aware of it....Go here for video...HERE
I just wanted to say...yes, there are lots of things going on out there that most people are not 'really' aware of....BUT, kinda, they may have heard of them...but, don't want to get too 'messy' and know about them, they don't want to really look or really want to be aware of them...It's 'TOO ICKIE or UNCOMFORTABLE' for lots of folks. Let's see what's new and entertaining on T.V., in music or ??. that's what they want....just make it go away P-L-E-A-S-E, by turning the channel, turning up the volumn or shutting the door....OK?....That's better....Thanks. [as you can see, I've tried to talk to my family several times...and been made fun of or been ignored]. Finally, I had to ask myself...'Am I being respectful of their beliefs or always 'nagging' them again and again?'....NO! I wasn't and I changed right then and there. I decided to tell them only once and then let it go...just love them. How long do we really have left to be together?The speaker in the video seemed very amazed that these 'villians' didn't play by the rules or obey the laws...WOW! Why would they? Let's be real, they think they own us, don't they? We're good food aren't we..OK? I bet my chickens don't think I'm very fair either...and I don't really care what my chickens think.
So, just asking. that's all.
Let it be enough to just get ourself ready, seems like the wisest thing to me AND the only thing that really works too.
Oh...Have a great day. Peace.
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